Meet 5th & Mad

5th & Mad is a bi-level gastropub in NYC.

5th & Mad were looking for an explosion of brand awareness for the venue, and increased
press - translating into new website hits, enquiries and more sales.

Project length: 5 months


We used events to unlock huge New York City coverage whilst filling the venue with hundreds of patrons and making money on ticket sales.

We hosted 8 events:

• 1,122 ticket sales (1,122 new people into the venue)
• $45,000 in ticket sales
• $30,000 in food & beverage sales
• 28,000 new unique visitors to the website

Event Press


News Items

For a little fun, we also created a CBD-infused cocktail to celebrate 420 (20th April) which bagged a Timeout feature:




Tourettes Action