Questions? We’ve got answers!

We’ve compiled the most common questions about us and how our All-in-One PR Platform works.

If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via our Contact Us page—we’re here to help!


  • Unfortunately, we do not work with brands operating in these categories: adult sites, gambling, vaping, smoking and politics.

  • Yes, you’ll need to be ‘PR-ready’:

    • Strong brand identity & online presence (website, social media)

    • Your products / services are on the market (or imminently about to be on the market)

    • Professional quality brand assets / media kit including high-res images

    • You have time to dedicate to PR.

  • Simply fill out our quick application to join. You’ll get a 7-day free trial to explore the platform, and after that, it’s only £149 a month.

  • Nothing at all! We help you secure organic media coverage - no paid placements here.

  • No PR experience or writing skills are required. Our team of PR professionals will take care of all the "heavy lifting" for you and you'll be regularly prompted with action points and PR ideas to keep the momentum going.

  • You’ll have 24-7 support, direct access to PR experts for personalised advice, plus access to an online community for knowledge sharing and cross-promotion with other brands.

  • Once your application has been approved, you can start creating your account right away. Set up takes a few minutes, depending on what you want to promote to the media. Typically press releases are ready within 24 hours, whist opportunities from journalists come in within a few hours.

  • From local outlets to top-tier international titles, we have relationships with all the best journalists. Thanks to our team's lengthy PR history, we've developed long-term established media connections and are now giving you access.

  • Agencies can create an account with us and add as many client brands as they like to offer PR services to their clients under their own branding. We support some of the biggest SEO, PR, and marketing agencies in the UK and US.

  • No, only media publishers and God can do that. But for the small money we charge, we like to work with brands we know we can help relatively quickly and easily. We have a reputation for delivering articles (our website and socials are littered with them) and we don’t want that to change.

    If you join us, we’ll offer you opportunities to be in the press and ensure that key media contacts are aware of you.

    We can’t force journalists to write about your brand and we don’t buy or pay for articles or backlinks.

  • This completely depends on the article, the publication and the content. Some clients have been published within 24-hours of, whereby others have to wait a few months. This is the reason we suggest multiple approaches to ensure press coverage comes in thick & fast.

    Naturally, online pieces will appear much quicker than print pieces (where the lead time is months).

    Our typical clients secures around 2 articles a month once they get into the swing of things.

    Expert comments & Business News press releases are generally quite quick to be published.

    Typically, when promoting products & services, it takes more like 3-6 months to start seeing articles published (but sometimes you can be lucky - it depends on how unique the product or service is and what the media are looking for at the time). 

    As a rule of thumb, press appetite and novelty has a big impact how quick your brand secures press.

  • No - our subscription is monthly-rolling and you can leave anytime before the next monthly renewal.

    If it’s not for you or you want a break, just let us know and we’ll action that for you (no biggie)!

    That being said, to get the benefits of PR it really is a 3-6 month effort (depending on your goals).

  • We’d rather show you than tell you!

    Check out our recent reviews on Trustpilot here

  • No Strings Public Relations is an online based PR agency, offering our All-in-One PR platform that combines Done-For-You PR services with a vibrant Community. We help growing brands secure meaningful press coverage with expert support and zero hassle.

  • With a decade in the PR space, we've worked on streamlining our processes using automation tools and AI, so our team can focus on the work that brings the most value to your brand. Working with hundreds of brands, we also have economies of scale - savings that we pass onto our subscribers.

  • Yes, you can cancel your subscription anytime. There are no long-term contracts, and you can easily manage your account through our portal.

  • We provide real-time media monitoring, so you’ll receive instant notifications when your brand is mentioned in articles, interviews, or product reviews.